I can’t tell you how many times in the past couple of weeks I’ve seen or heard people say “Next year I’m going to….” or “2021 is going to be the year of…” or “Once it’s January I will be/do/feel/etc.”…

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At first, I didn’t think anything of It. People just making their New Years Resolutions.. Looking into the future and planning what you’ll change. This is good right?!

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But when you really get to thinking about It.. why do we wait? Why do we choose to set resolutions so far out? Why does It have to be a new year or month or week to do what we want? ➳➳➳➳ ➳ ➳ We spend so much time looking ahead at how we’ll change.. that we forget the very same opportunity lies within us NOW. We have to remember that the present moment is all we ever really have. It’s all we’re ever really certain of.

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You want to be more compassionate ‘next year’? A harder worker? More caring? Healthier? Have better relationships? Start now. Change now.

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After all, tomorrow is never guaranteed. Watch what miracles happen once you learn to truly and wholeheartedly live in the present moment.. ✨🌙🌻