Do you ever find yourself in a funk? Do you find yourself losing motivation? Maybe even losing your ‘spark’?

I have spent years developing goals and ‘ritauls’ to make myself feel whole. To fullfill myself. As full and happy of a person as I seem all the time now, I spent many years to get to this point. I used to struggle. I used to struggle with horrible anxiety, maybe even depression. Although I never wanted to label myself with anything, I know how I felt. And I know how I struggled.

So I worked my butt off to try and full fill myself. To set daily goals. To mediate. To do yoga everyday. To journal daily. To read. To speak to my higher power. To learn more. To treat myself. To create the highest version of myself, so I can spread the compasion I want to see. To spread the love I believe the world deserves. When I was living in my van full time I had such a schedule.

I woke up. I wrote down 3-5 things I am grateful for and why. I drank a glass of water. I stretched for at least 10 minutes. I made a daily to do list. I had at least 5 pieces of fruits and veggies a day. I read at least 15 minutes throughout the day. I got at least an hour of excercise and nature time. I thanked the Universe. I focused on learning more. I charged my crystals daily. I howled at the moon. I hugged trees. I spoke to my plants.

Lately I have found myself feeling in a funk. I haven’t journaled in weeks. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve read a book. I haven’t played music, I don’t even remember any chords.

You think you get to a point of “success”, but then you realize it really is a constantly evolving journey. What helps you now might not help you in six months. What fullfilsl you now might leave you feeling empty in a few weeks.

Anyways, all of this to say everybody struggles. Everybody goes through their ups and down. Everybody has their struggles. But the improtant part is you do get through it.

So I have been making new goals. I have been readjusting my priorities. I have been saying YES to things that help ME. I have been staring at the Moon. I have been speaking to the Universe. I have been choosing to manifest my dreams. I have been eating healthy. I have been relaxing in nature. I have been soaking up the Sunshine. I will get myself out of this funk. I will continue evolving until I get back to the point I need to be at!

What have you been struggling with? How do you get yourself out of a funk when you are in one? Comment and lets connect.

Thanks for following along on this journey!