Embarking on a camping adventure with your feline friend can be an extraordinary experience, creating unbreakable bonds and making cherished memories. Enjoy these tips for camping with cats as a solo adventurer, a family of campers, or anything in between. In this guide, I will go into the specifics of camping with cats, providing valuable tips, expert advice, and essential gear recommendations to ensure a successful and enjoyable journey. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or a novice, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to embrace the wonders of nature alongside your fur baby.

I have been adventuring with my handsome cat, Cosmo, for over almost 3 years now. We have lived in my van and my Subaru, spent weeks in a tent, and even gone on backpacking trips. He has stayed in hotels and on friends’ couches, and has thrived everywhere he has visited! He walks into new situations with pure and utter confidence, and enjoys snoozing and looking out the window while I drive. This didn’t come right away though. It took trial and error, research and learning, and lots of mistakes before I found what works for us.

Everything I share is from my opinion and personal experience, so it’s important to remember to do WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! Know your cat, learn how to work with them, and find the best ways to explore the great outdoors together!  

Essential Tips for Camping With Cats

Tip 1: Gradual Acclimation- Introducing Your Cat to the Outdoors

To begin, let’s discuss the gradual acclimation process that will help your cat feel comfortable outside. By introducing your cat to the sights, sounds, and scents of nature through supervised outdoor sessions, you can build their confidence and familiarity over time. Start gradually with an enclosed area, like a fenced backyard or enclosed porch. This gradual approach ensures that your cat adapts well to the outdoor environment, reducing stress and anxiety during your camping adventures.

I would advise you to not only gradually increase their outside activity levels, but also stay consistent with it. I was lucky enough to adopt Cosmo at about 3 months old. I was living in an apartment in Salt Lake City at the time, getting ready to drive to Denver and move back into my van. From the time we met, I made sure he spent some time EVERY SINGLE DAY both outside, and in the car. Even if only for a few minutes, the daily consistency helped him acclimate quickly. Take it slow, watch their body language, and tailor the time spent outside to how they are feeling! Some days he could spend hours outside and some days he would rather be curled up in bed, I let my kitty decide when possible.

Ideas for Beginning Outdoor Acclimation:

Tip 2: Familiarize with the Tent – Creating a Safe and Familiar Space

Cats thrive on familiarity, so it’s essential to introduce them to your camping tent in a positive and stress-free way. Set up the tent indoors and leave it open for your cat to explore at their own pace. Sprinkle some catnip or place their favorite blanket inside to make it inviting. Gradually, introduce the sounds associated with tent assembly and disassembly, ensuring your cat associates them with positive experiences. This process helps them feel secure and comfortable when camping outdoors.

I also bought Cosmo a little “cat-sized tent”, so he could get used to the feeling of the material and the shape of a tent. He actually LOVES this thing and often dives at it for play or spends time napping in there. Make sure you associate the tent with positive experiences, and always reward them for going in it!

Tip 3: Cat-Specific Gear Essentials – Ensuring Comfort and Safety

Investing in cat-specific camping gear is crucial for your cat’s comfort and safety. 

Gear List:

  • A well-fitting cat harness is essential for outdoor adventures, allowing you to explore together while keeping your cat secure. Look for a harness that is escape-proof and adjustable, providing a snug fit without restricting their movement. There are different harness style options for cats:
  • Leash– smaller leash easy to step over not get caught
  • Consider bringing a scratching post for your feline friend.
    • Cosmo typically uses the trees when we are outdoors. But I always bring a small scratching block for while we are in the tent. The smaller and flat scratching pads are great for the tent.
  • A stake for in the ground with a long lead to attach to their leash. Make sure you consider the weight of the leash when using on your cat. If it is too heavy, it can be uncomfortable for them. I recommend getting a lighter lead for small animals, versus a heavy metal one for big dogs.
  • Additionally, a sturdy and comfortable cat carrier is a must-have for transporting your feline companion to and from the campsite. Choose one with ample ventilation and enough space for your cat to move comfortably during the journey.
  • Cat backpack. A cat backpack carrier allows you to carry your cat comfortably while keeping your hands free during the hike. Look for a backpack carrier that provides proper ventilation, secure closures, and comfortable padding for both you and your cat.

Meowa has a great article that compares cat backpacks vs cat carriers. I, personally, use a soft sided cat backpack for Cosmo. He loves riding in it on longer hikes and neighborhood walks!

Tip 4: Collapsible Litter Box – Maintaining Hygiene on the Go

Maintaining your cat’s hygiene while camping is important for their well-being and the cleanliness of your campsite. Consider investing in a collapsible litter box, which is lightweight, portable, and easy to set up. These handy accessories allow you to provide a familiar and convenient litter area for your cat, ensuring they have a designated spot to take care of their needs while you’re in the great outdoors.

My kitty, Cosmo, actually goes to the bathroom outside while we are hiking and camping. But that took some getting used to for him to be comfortable! I also always have his litter box available while we are in the car, and while we are sleeping in the tent. I want him to always have the option!  Chewy has a helpful article for training your cat to go to the bathroom outside.

Tip 5: Cat-Friendly Tent or Enclosure – Offering a Safe Retreat

Creating a safe and secure space for your cat to relax and retreat is essential during camping trips. Look for cat-friendly tents or enclosures designed specifically for outdoor use. These tents feature mesh walls that provide excellent ventilation and visibility while keeping your cat protected from insects and other outdoor elements. Some enclosures even come with built-in scratching posts or perches to offer additional entertainment and comfort for your feline friend.

Creating a safe and secure space for your cat to relax and retreat is essential during camping trips. Look for cat-friendly tents or enclosures specifically designed for outdoor use. These tents feature mesh walls that provide excellent ventilation and visibility while keeping your cat protected from insects and other outdoor elements. Some enclosures even come with built-in scratching posts or perches, offering additional entertainment and comfort for your feline friend.

Morton’s on the Move has an extremely helpful article with the 5 Best Cat Tents to Get Your Cat Outside. 

camping with cats

Tip 6: Portable Food and Water Bowls – Sustenance on the Journey

When camping with your cat, it’s important to ensure they have access to food and water throughout the trip. Opt for portable and lightweight food and water bowls that are easy to carry and clean. Look for collapsible options made from durable materials, allowing you to pack them conveniently when on the go. These bowls are designed to be space-saving, ensuring your cat stays hydrated and well-fed during your camping adventures.

Gear List:

Tip 7: Reflective Collar and ID Tags -Ensuring Safety and Identification

Keeping your cat safe and easily identifiable during camping trips is paramount. Outfitting your feline friend with a reflective collar and visible ID tags is essential, especially during nighttime activities or if your cat accidentally wanders away from the campsite. The reflective collar enhances their visibility in low-light conditions, making it easier for you to keep track of them. Additionally, ensure that the ID tags have updated contact information, including your name and phone number, in case your cat gets lost. This provides an extra layer of security and increases the chances of a safe reunion if they happen to wander off.

Gear List:

Tip 8: Cat-Friendly Activities – Engaging their Senses and Instincts

Camping with your cat is an opportunity to engage them in activities that cater to their natural instincts. Bring along toys for interactive play sessions, encouraging them to pounce, chase, and explore their surroundings. Consider introducing bird-watching, where you can set up a comfortable spot for both you and your cat to observe the local avian fauna. This not only stimulates their senses but also provides mental and physical stimulation, keeping them entertained and content throughout the camping trip.

Cosmo’s Approved Toy List:

Tip 9: Leash and Supervision – Prioritizing Safety at All Times

When camping with your cat, always keep them on a leash or harness to ensure their safety and prevent them from wandering off or encountering potential dangers. Choose a leash that provides freedom of movement while keeping them under your control. Regularly inspect the leash for any signs of wear and ensure it’s secure before each outing. Additionally, maintain constant supervision, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. Being vigilant allows you to address any potential risks promptly and protect your cat from harm. 

I’m going to be totally up front here… I would be a hypocrite if I said I always followed this rule. Cosmo has been an adventure cat his entire life, so we have developed a very trusting bond. I allow him to wander off with my dog, Bella, while we are camping. He has an Apple Air Tag on his collar, bells that jingle when he moves, and I keep an eye on him! I also have a cat specific collar that holds the Air Tag. I have found these work way better than it dangling, as I have had several rip off while he is running around.

He also knows to check in periodically and I make sure we are FAR away from other humans, dogs, or trail users. This is trust that has been growing over the last 3 years, and he was DEFINITELY on a long leash when we first started exploring together. Make sure to know your cat. Know their fears, their triggers, and NEVER put them in a situation that will put them at risk.

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Tip 10: Establish Routines and Boundaries – Creating a Sense of Familiarity

Establishing routines and boundaries while camping with your cat helps provide a sense of security and familiarity for them. Set up a designated area within your campsite that serves as their “home base.” This area should include their food and water bowls, litter box, and a comfortable spot for resting. Maintaining regular feeding, play, and sleep schedules mimics their routine at home, providing stability and reducing anxiety. By creating a familiar environment within the camping setting, you ensure your cat feels at ease and can enjoy the adventure alongside you.

Tip 11: Tick and Flea Prevention: / Bug spray cat friendly

When venturing into the great outdoors, protecting your cat from ticks, fleas, and other bothersome insects is crucial for their well-being. Alongside traditional tick and flea prevention methods, using cat-safe bug spray can provide an extra layer of defense.

Look for bug sprays specifically formulated for feline use, as some insect repellents designed for humans may contain ingredients that are toxic to cats. Apply the bug spray as directed, focusing on areas where ticks and fleas commonly latch onto, such as the neck, back, and legs. Take care to avoid spraying near your cat’s face or eyes. By combining effective tick and flea prevention methods with cat-safe bug spray, you can help shield your feline companion from these nuisances and ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable hiking experience for both of you.

Make sure to always check your cats for ticks as soon as you get home from your camping adventure, even if you are taking the necessary precautions! Check out this helpful article from The Humane Society on the best way to remove a tick from your pet.

Gear List:

Tip 12: First Aid Kit for Both Cats and Humans

As a solo woman camper exploring the great outdoors with your feline companion, being equipped with a comprehensive first aid kit is of utmost importance. Accidents and injuries can happen unexpectedly, but with the right supplies and knowledge, you can address them effectively. When assembling your first aid kit, include items such as sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, tweezers for tick removal, a digital thermometer, and any prescribed medications for your cat.

It’s also helpful to have a booklet with emergency contact numbers and basic first aid instructions tailored to cats. Familiarize yourself with common injuries that can occur during camping trips, such as minor cuts, scrapes, or insect bites, and learn how to provide appropriate care. Additionally, consider taking a pet first aid and CPR course to enhance your skills and confidence in handling emergency situations. Remember to regularly check the expiration dates of your first aid supplies and replenish them as needed. By being prepared and knowledgeable, you can ensure the well-being of both yourself and your feline companion during your solo camping adventures.

Camping with your cat as a solo woman adventurer (or any adventurer) offers an opportunity to forge unforgettable memories and strengthen the bond between you and your feline companion. By following these expert tips and investing in the right gear, you can embark on incredible outdoor journeys together. Remember to prioritize your cat’s comfort, safety, and well-being throughout the camping trip. With proper acclimation, essential gear, engaging activities, and a watchful eye, you can create lasting memories and enrich both your lives through the joys of camping with cats. So, pack your gear, embrace the adventure, and embark on a remarkable journey in the great outdoors with your beloved feline friend by your side. Happy camping!